They have and share their kindness with the rest of the bot community or with everyone they see!
They are experienced in their section of work, either moderating or helping our other users.
They are fair and help out users in order or lock servers/people with justified evidence or a reason.
Multiple Support/Bot Moderators for fast support or quick moderation actions!
We collaborate on moderation decisions as a whole in the moderation department, we are knowledged and skilful in the support department, and the developers talk with eachother for new features in the bot!
Big Boss Man, am Grinder#0001 in Discord.
Head of Discipline i am Polutus#6969 and I like banning and bot banning
I manage the appeals maybe? Btw Crinder#5086
Why do people be so arrogant and rude? Also can you not swear please!
What else is there to say? That’s it?
I work my a** off making pizza and come back to gardening a bot. Isn’t that a great life-
F**k I ride on pogs. They are like pogs but they have a p so they are pogs without the h.
always 🤍
Just a simple dude with simple needs, contact me on discord if you require help @monky king#6969
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
what do I say,
I have no clue.
emo moderator
Join our Support Server here:
Direct Message Grinder#0001 or Kompany#6969 for security issues